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Software Updates by Paul Teicher

Free software updates for the RTK continue to evolve and expand the capabilities of your investment and we want to make sure have the latest and greatest software on your device. We are sharing with you the mylocator3 application from Vivax-Metrotech.

Click Here To Download the MyLocator3 App

Please remember you can always call us for any help that you may need regarding the RTK. Please go ahead and install the mylocator3 app on your computer, you may need to get permission from your IT department to do this.

Once you have the app installed you will have the ability to perform the software updates to your device. This will also give you easy access to your feature log so you can make changes anytime you need to. Simply open the app, turn on your RTK, using the provided mini-USB cable connect the RTK to your commuter. The plug-in port on the RTK is in the battery compartment. If an update is available, you will see the pink “update now” button. The update can be for the RTK receiver or the MyLocator3 Application. Hovering your mouse over the update button will give a list of the changes being made by the current version software update.

To change your feature log, select the button circled above in green highlight. Now select the edit button in the middle of the screen below. You feature list should appear. You can add and delete features here, if you want to give further detail to a feature description, check the box that says, “show attributes”.

Please share or forward this information on to your RTK specialist!

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